Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy First Birthday Noah!

Today (4-29-09) is Noah's b-day!!!!

Scroll down to see the slide show. It is after the last previous posts! Somehow it went on before the last couple of posts!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Go Devils

It is that time of year, Mike's favorite time, Hockey playoffs! The New Jersey Devils is his favorite team and he loves getting Caeden involved!

Outside time!

We have been having a great time playing outside. It is so nice to be able to go outside and play, take walks and go to the park. The boys love to be outside.

Here are some more pic's of outside:


Although sometimes they don't show it, they really do love each other!

Bath Time!!!

Here are some pic's from bath time! Noah is finally loving the bath and only screams when he has to get out!

Here are some pic's of Caeden's bath too. Both boys love to help out when the other one is in the tub!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Noah!

Happy 1st Birthday Noah! It is just crazy that he is one already. It doesn't seem that long that we were heading to the hospital to have him. He has been such a joy in our life. He is growing into such a little man! :) We have been trying to teach him all week to say one, but he just keeps saying "Uh oh and ball." He loves playing with his big brother Caeden. He is a WONDERFUL eater and will pretty much eat ANYTHING you put in front of him. He loves being outside and going to the parks. He really does complete our family. Happy 1st Birthday Noah. We love you so much!

Here is a little slide show of Noah's 1st year. Sorry for the picture overload. I just can't believe he is 1 already. Where did the time go???

Monday, April 13, 2009


We hope everyone had a great Easter!!! We started the weekend out by coloring eggs. Caeden thought this was pretty cool. He got to pick out the coloring kit at Target the week before. Of course he wanted sports (it just came with stickers and no colors) and I had to talk him out of that. He was a good helper and loved putting the dye in and mixing it all up! It will be fun next year when Noah can do it too!

Easter morning we hid eggs for Caeden around the house, but Noah found most of them. Noah loved walking around and shaking them. Caeden thought it was pretty fun also to find the eggs.

Caeden thought his Easter basket was pretty cool too. The Easter bunny left him some pretty cool things. One of his favorite's is his new batman car. He goes around the house with it saying "to the bat cave!"

Noah just like the eggs inside of his and kept putting them in his mouth. Hopefully next year he will be into it a little more!

My sister came down later so we could take pic's of all four kids all dressed up. It was so fun to see them.

Later that days Mike went to his parents house since I was down in Waseca visiting my g-ma. His mom had an Easter egg hunt with the kids full of treats. It eas a great day!

Things we have been up to

We have been busy as always over here. We are finally enjoying some nice weather which we all love and are anxious to spend our days and night's outdoors!!!

The boys and I still are in ECFE classes and they go until I think mid May. Noah is having some separation anxiety with me. When it is his turn to go into childcare he screams even before we get inside the building. This is new for me because Caeden could care less when I leave. So hopefully it is just a stage he is going through!

Caeden continues to amaze us everyday. He is so smart. He really loves recognizing letters and saying the sounds. We are practicing him writing his name. It usually just turns out scribbles, but hopefully we can get it down before he starts preschool. He loves sports, and kind of sports. Go figure huh? When commercials come on of the new baseball stadium he tells us he wants to go there. Hopefully we can make it to a baseball game. He loves playing "his hoops" outside with Mike.

Noah is approaching a year and I just can't believe it!!! He is such a joy to have around. He keeps us busy and is into EVERYTHING. He loves when we forget to put the gate on and he can sneak up the stairs. He loves playing with trucks and cars. Right now we can get momma, dadda, uh-oh out of him. He can wave goodbye, but he picks and chooses when he does that. We are having his 1st birthday party the first week in May so stay tuned for pic's of that!

All and all we are having a great start to spring and loving the nice warm weather!

Chandra's shower!

This past weekend I helped put on a shower for my good friend Chandra! Chandra and I have known eachother since middle school and is having her first baby and it's a girl!I really do feel for her, because she is going through the same things I went through being prego's. So needless to say she doesn't like it!!! She is due May 2nd, but we hope baby Bushard comes early! We are waiting for you!!!