Tuesday, May 27, 2008

One month

Today Noah is one month old. Wow, time sure flies by!!! He is continuing to grow everyday. He is starting to be more alert and awake more often. We are just waiting for those coo's to come and the sleeping through the night. Hopefully only 4 more weeks!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pool fun


This weekend we got to go to Uncle Kevin and Uncle Tom's house for a BBQ and some swimming. At first Caeden was unsure of the pool. I thought maybe watching his cousin and his aunt and uncles in there, he would get in. Not the case. I actually had to "trick" him into getting into his swim trunks. Slowly he started on the steps of the pool and worked his way in.

Then he found something he loved to do. Mike would throw him up in the air. Mike got a good workout from it. "I want to fly like a bird" he would tell Mike and then Mike would throw him in the air.

He also discovered jumping from the edge into Mike's arms. He would laugh and scream so loud with delight. Even his cousin Lyndsey joined in on the fun!

Noah on the other hand just sat and lounged by the pool. Yep, he's a Wright. That's my favorite thing to do!!

Thanks Uncle Kevin and Uncle Tom for having us to your house!!!

Moving Day!

We moved this weekend, and boy was it exhausting. Of course Mike tells me, this is nothing compared to the next move! Our brother in law's even told us they would chip in if we hired professional movers for the next move. Not a bad idea I think!

Caeden LOVED the moving truck. He kept running up and down the ramp over and over. I was a little nervous on how he would do in the new place the first night. Especially after the nightmare of moving him into a bed. But to my surprise he did great. I think it was thanks to grandma because she wore him out by playing all day!

A big thanks to everyone that helped us out! We have such great family and friends. We would have not been able to do it without you!

It is hard to believe we lived in that house for 6 years. I can remember the first day we moved in. As much as I wanted to leave, I am really going to miss it. It was the first house we bought together and the two kids were born there. Plus we had some GREAT neighbor's that we are going to miss (Diehl's, Tyma's and the Bushard's)!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

3 weeks

Well we have made it to 3 weeks. I am counting down the weeks until he is sleeping through the night. I can honestly say it is a lot harder with two kids. Especially with such an active 2 1/2 year old. Someone told Mike that you truly become a parent when you have 2. Isn't that the truth!

We are still doing good though. Noah is growing like crazy and eating like crazy. When Noah is crying and I can't get to him right away, Caeden will let me know that is is crying and keeps telling me until Noah stops. I think he is starting to become protective of him.

Today we were out and about with my sister and we saw two brother's wrestling on the floor and Angie made the comment, "oh that will be Caeden and Noah in a couple of years."

Last class

On Monday was Caeden's last ECFE class for the year. We have been doing ECFE classes since Caeden was 9 months old and we both enjoy it! We do a variety of activites. Although, Caeden just wants to play most of the time. I sometimes have to "force" him to do an art project so I can hang it on the fridge. We have circle time and sing songs and then I get to have some parent time alone.

We have met so many nice people and made some great friends. We have had some fun play dates to parks, zoos and of course the famous McDonald's playland!

We look forward to the fall again to start the ECFE classes up again!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The process begins

This week we went down and took pictures of the house (I know we are nerds). The first pic's are just dirt piles. And to our surprise the next time we went and looked at it, they have it staked out. We are starting to get really excited. Last week Mike and I got to pick out all our options for the inside and outside. It was exhausting. I don't think there was too many fights. We will keep you posted!

First playdate

Well Noah got to have his first play date over the weekend. Even though he slept through most of it! We got to get together for my friend Nikki's 30th birthday. I guess we are all adults now that we are turning 30 and having babies. Nikki's son Cole will be 8 months on the 5th of June. Courtney and Quintin, Becca's twins are 5 weeks old. In the pictures you can see the size difference. We are hoping that they will grow up and become close friends just like their parents are.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

2 weeks

Noah is now 2 weeks old. Everyone is adjusting as well as they can at the Bril household. Noah continues his routine of eating, sleeping and pooping. He is getting a little bit better with the days and nights mix up. It is amazing how much a person can function on little amounts of sleep!

Caeden is still adjusting as well. He seems to be more interested in Noah. He is constantly wanting to give him kisses and helping out. Maybe he is realizing Noah is here to stay.

Mike and I have realized we are truly blessed to have such 2 wonderful kids. We have also have had so much support from family and friends and are so thankful for that.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


We finally got Caeden to hold Noah! I think he has realized he is not going away. He has shown more interest in him everyday. When he is crying and I can't get to him right away, Caeden will go up to him and say "That's o.k." PRECIOUS!!!

He is also starting to be a big helper. He helps get Noah's "kiki" (nuk) and diapers when mommy or daddy needs the help. He also likes to hold his hand too. So he is coming around.

He still doesn't call him by his name. When you ask Caeden what his brother's name is, he says "brother". I think it is because we didn't have a name for him and kept calling him brother so he thinks that is what his name is!

I know he is going to be a GREAT big brother to Noah and I look forward to the day when they get to play with each other!

One week

Well Noah is now one week old and we made it!!! I can honestly say, two is a lot harder and I told Mike, I think this is why people only have one child! Mike is now back to work and we are adjusting as well as can be expected. Noah likes to sleep most of the day and play at night. I am hoping this changes really fast!!!

We took him on Monday to his one week apt. His weight was up to 7 lbs and 10 oz. So he is growing. Although they said he was in the 30% of his weight. But the doctor said everything looks good so that makes us happy.

The next couple of weeks is going to be a busy one for the Bril household. We are moving out of our house on the 24th and are renting a townhouse in Apple Valley. We also signed a purchase agreement to build a house in Elko. We are so excited and can't wait to move in. It is going to be a big change for all of us, but we look forward to it. It will be so nice to have a backyard for the kids to play in. And a basement to store all our junk in so finally our parents can have their basements back!!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Noah Thomas

Well we are all adjusting here at the Bril household. We have been home a day and it is crazy. Caeden is sick with a cold and cranky. Noah I think has his days and nights mixed up. Should make life interesting for us!

Mike has been a great help with me. He is such a good dad and loves his boys. We have been so blessed with all the visitors that have came to the hospital and the house.

Well we are just going to take the next couple of days to relax, I mean, catch up on sleep, pack and find a house to live in!!!

He's here

I know I posted that I was being induced on The 28th, but there was some kind of conflict, so instead I was induced on the 29th of April. It was an early morning at the Bril household. We dropped Caeden off at grandma's at 6:30 in the morning. Of course I cried when I had to say goodbye and he thought nothing of it.

We got to the hospital at 7:30. My water was broke at 9:10 a.m. I wanted the drugs right away so I did not feel a thing. They came in and gave me them at 11:00. There was only one problem, I could still feel the contractions. I started to get nervous because with Caeden I did not feel a thing. Well needless to say after being in a lot of pain, they came back in and had to put the epidural in someplace else. So after about 15 min I was was feeling great.

The process went by fast, before I knew it, I was dilated to a 10 and ready to push. My mom and sister and Mike were in the room the whole time cheering me on. They even had a bet on to what time he was going to be born.

It was 4:00 and we still did not have a name. I wanted Noah and Mike wanted Cameron. Well he finally gave in (I think he felt sorry for me!) So at 4:25 I began to push and Noah Thomas was born at 4:45 p.m. Mike guess the time right on!!!

He weighed 7 lbs and 8 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. We were all excited he was here!