Monday, December 27, 2010


Christmas Eve was spent at the Bril household! The kids were so excited to go over to Grandma's and G-pa's to see their aunts and uncles and cousins! The kids ripped through their presents so fast! It was so fun to watch!

Christmas morning the kids woke up and opened stockings, presents from Santa and presents from mom and dad. Noah would barely get the wrapping paper off, and move on to the next one. Caeden on the other hand, would take his time and "examine" each gift! It was a great morning at our house and next year we will have a little 5month old to join our craziness!

Then it was headed over to the Wrights house for more present opening! The kids went first again and went so fast it was so hard to see what everyone got. Then it was the adults turn!

All in all it was a great Christmas the kids and us were spoiled and we are so thankful and lucky for the families we have!

Busy, busy

Well Dec was a busy month for the Bril household! I have tired to get into the holiday spirit as much as I could with not really feeling the greatest! Mike has been a HUGE help and I am so thankful to have him around to help out while I lay on the couch!

Caeden had a Christmas program at school. He stood in front of us with his class and sang some songs! Even Dad got to go up with him. Grandma and G-pa were able to come too!

We were able to go see Santa! the boys were all excited and when it eas our trun Caeden, hopped on his lap right away while NOah cried and said he was scared. So it became a family picture with Santa! After the picture the boys were able to ride the train. I think this was their favorite part!

We have also been going to gym nights on Friday nights. It is a good way for the boys to burn off some of their energy. They love going and there are lots of their friends there as well!

The kids were excited about the tree, making gingerbread house, going to look at Christmas lights and CONSTANTLY listening to Christmas music!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Sorry I have been MIA lately on the blog, but I can promise you there will be lots of pic's to come! Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

First snow fall

Today we got our first snowfall and boy did we get hit! For me, it is actually depressing, but for the kids, they couldn't be more thrilled! The kids had a great time this morning "helping" Mike shovel. In fact, Mike is back out there shoveling and Caeden is right by his side! Happy Snow everyone!

halloween ( a little late)

A little late on this, but the kids had a great Halloween! We do the same thing every year! It all started when Taylor was a baby and me wanting to see him all dressed up so we would go over to my sister's house! She makes the same meal every year and we chow on that and "dig" through the kids bags! It was a fun night with family!

Since having Caeden we now make a stop at Grandma and G-pa's house so they can see the kids all dressed up! The kids love going there to show off their costumes!

Kids had a great Halloween and are sad all the Halloween decorations are put away!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Elko New Market Halloween party

Today we went to the local school in town and joined the Prasnicki family for a fun Halloween party. The kids had a great time and were excited to put on their costumes. In fact, Caeden though they were really going to go trick or treating after we were done. The kids got some fun prizes and played some fun games! It was a fun time!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Carving pumpkins

We carved pumpkins on Sunday afternoon and the kids loved it. They got to pick out what design they wanted and were so proud of their pumpkins. The kids are getting really excited for Halloween and we can't wait.


This past weekend Mike and I were able to get away for a couple days to Lutsen! I just love it up there. We just relaxed and hung out it was so nice. We even ran into my sister who was up there with her family! Thanks Grandma for taking the kids!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The Bril family is having a GREAT October! The weather is amazing which had lead to a lot of fun activities. We have been to the pumpkin patch, not once but twice. Playdates, playdates, playdates, the zoo, apple orchard for Caeden's school, parks,nature walks, Caeden's soccer games, or just hanging out in our own back yard!

The kids are loving this weather and can't wait for halloween to come. We had a little halloween party and the kids can't wait to go trick or treating!

Here are some pic's from our MANY activities!