Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Fun/ Haircuts

What HOT weather we are having this week. It seems like it is always hot this particular week every year. Today some friends were very generous and had us over for some water and pool fun! Caeden was so excited to go over to his friends Alex's house to go swimming! We played on their water slide and then in their pool. It was the perfect day for it!

Mike and Caeden got haircuts tonight from Auntie Maggie. This is a monthly routine for the boys as their hair goes so fast! Even Noah got to join in the fun as she just trimmed his "wings" he had grown! He did pretty good for his first cut!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

July coming to an end

Here we are July coming to an end. It is so hard to believe that it is going to be August soon. We had a great July and did some fun activities. This past weekend was leprechaun days in Rosemount. Caeden got to go to a mini carnival. Where he played games, shot some hoops and got to sit in a fire truck. Of course this is the day I forgot the camera!

We went to a parade on Saturday and Caeden had a ball with his Aunt and Uncle Gigi and "Goof", along with his cousins Taylor and Averi. He loved all the flags and the fire trucks. He even manage to get some candy, well with some help!

Noah turned 12 weeks this week. Wow, 3 months already. They grow up so fast. He is starting to come out of the infant stage and becoming much more interactive. He was doing great with the sleeping going 8-9 hours, but we have been having some eating issues with him so he is back to his 5-6 hours. All in all I can't complain! He loves sitting in his new blue seat we bought him. This way he can check out what is going on around him. He looks like such a big boy in it!!!

August is going to be such a busy month for the Bril household. Next week Mike turns the big 30. On the 16th my brother is getting married, which is going to be a ball. Mike and I are both in the wedding and Caeden is the ring bearer. Can't wait for that day. The next day my cousin gets married and it is also my birthday this month. Then my favorite time of year, state fair time! Whew, makes me exhausted thinking about all of that. So I am sure we will have lots of posts coming up in the month of August!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Brother/ Little Brother

I just love this picture and had to share it. Tomorrow Noah is going to be 11 weeks old and we sure have come a long way. Still waiting for the sleeping through the night to last more than one night! He now is so smiley and giggly. His favorite thing to do is patty cake! Caeden loves to play along too!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

We have a top level

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We have a garage!

Tonight Mike and I drove down to the house and we have a garage and more! What an exciting process! Caeden of course gets a kick out of each time we go down there! I am not sure if he knows what it is, but he does call it his new house!

We have now met both sides of our neighbors. They are very nice and have lots of tips for us. It just makes us more excited and anxious to get down to Elko!

10 weeks

Noah is now 10 weeks old. Wow time flies! He is becoming so much more animated it is such a joy! He is constantly smiling and cooing. We love it and can't get enough of it. He loves to lay on the floor and play with rattles (well I shake them for him), and his eyes always follow what his big brother is doing.

He is getting the hang of sleeping through the night too! Last night he went 7 hours! Wahoo! He ranges from 5-7 hours so I can't complain!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July weekend

We had a great 4th of July weekend. We started it out on Thursday. Mike took the day off so we decided to go to the zoo. We had a great time walking around and seeing the tigers and bears and playing in the water! We were all exhausted when we got home! That night we celebrated my dad's birthday(his b-day is on the 4th, but was going out of town) and watched fireworks that uncle Aaron bought. Caeden loved them! He kept saying "boom, boom"!

On the 4th of July we took the kids and walked around Lake Nokomis and had a picnic. It was a beautiful day! Then we went over to Mike's parents house and had a BBQ. Mike parents live very close to where the fireworks are shot off that we watched them right in the comfort of their own home. Again Caeden loved them especially the grand finale!!

On Sat we got to go up to Uncle Kevin and Tom's house for another BBQ and swim in the pool. Of course Caeden had a great time and would not get out of the pool! We hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th!!!