Monday, November 24, 2008


This past weekend Mike and I got to go see Wicked! I was so excited! Our friend Peter got about 30 people together to go see the play. He had bought the tickets back in April or May so I have been looking forward to this for a long time!

Mike and I were both looking forward to a night out. Grandma was willing to watch the kids overnight so we could have a good time. We met the group at Rock Bottom Brewery in Minneapolis! It was great food and great company! And drinks, can't forget about the drinks!

It was a great play! For those who don't know it is about the Wicked Witch of the west from the Wizard of Oz. It tells the story of her and how she became "wicked." I really enjoyed it and Mike said he did also!

It was about 11:00 p.m. after the play got over and some of us weren't quite ready to go home yet. So we headed over to Game works and played some games. Although, our fun was short lived as grandma called us at midnight to say the kids were not feeling the greatest and were crying for us. So we had to go pick them up and take them back home. I felt so bad for Mike's mom. She kept telling us she wanted us to have a good time, but I think the boys needed their mom and dad! Caeden that morning, woke up and came into our room and said "o.k. I am ready to go to grandma's for my sleepover!"

This last picture is of Kelcy. He is playing the game dance revolution! Since he is such a BIG fan of the blog, I had to post it!

Fun Photos

Here are some fun pictures I took of Noah. He is finally getting eating baby food and loves it! Not so fun for mom and dad as he gets it all over!

These are pictures are of the boys and Taylor and Averi. Every year my parents like to get their picture taken with their grand kids! This year it was a lot harder to keep all 4 children happy and looking at the camera. This picture was taken right before the pictures!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kelcy and Dani

This past weekend we went to a couple's shower for our friends Kelcy and Dani! They are getting married January 10th in Jamaica! Kelcy is very fond of this blog, so I had to post some pic's from this shower! We are so happy and excited for you guys!


Here are some recent pic's of Noah! He sure is changing!!!! He is now doing the "army" crawl and is into everything. Time to baby proof the home! I don't think Caeden likes it very much as Noah is always grabbing his toys! He has been babbling a lot more and likes carry on a conversation with you! He is getting the hang of baby food and he thinks it is funny when he has a mouth full of food and then sneezes and it goes everywhere!

Caeden's potty trained!!!

Well it has been about a week since we potty trained Caeden and I am thinking to myself, why did we wait so long? He is doing so great. We have not had an accident since last Saturday morning! One of my friends gave me a book to follow. You basically have to follow your child around for 3 days and constantly telling them, make sure you tell mommy when you have to go potty. I was so exhausted following him around and I think he thought it was kind of weird that I never left his side! After the first day, I didn't think I was going to make it. I called my mom, sister and a couple of friends that have been through it. They gave me lots of encouraging words and we kept at it! He does wear pull ups during nap (which he is keeping dry) and at night and he is starting to keep those dry! Great job Caeden!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Here are a couple of updates with the Bril family:

I don't have any pictures to post because in the second move we lost our camera charger and our camera is dead. So we are working on getting a new charger!

Last weekend we started to potty train Caeden and he is doing FANTASTIC!!! Last Friday Mike's mom watched Noah so I could concentrate on Caeden. I didn't think he was ever going to catch on after the first day. He is doing great and has not had an accident since Saturday! Wahoo! We just need to work on him going in there by himself and at night time! It is amazing though how fast he did catch on and it is so nice to only have to buy diapers for one child!

Noah continues to grow everyday. He is now on solids and seems to like it so-so. He doesn't quite have the hang of it, but I know will get it soon. He is also "army" crawling now. It is so cool to see him move around. I am sure I will not be thinking that too much longer! I don't think Caeden started to crawl until around 9 or 10 months!

Hopefully I can post some pictures soon!

Monday, November 3, 2008


The Bril's had a great Halloween! We started the day getting to drink out of our halloween cups and having some scary pancakes! I had been preparing Caeden all week about when we go door to door we say trick or treat and then say thank-you!

We first stoped at our friends the Diedrich's house to go trick or treating. Caeden loved all of Kristy's decorations!

Then our next stop was grandma and g-pa's house. Caeden rang the door bell and said "trick or treating!" Grandma and g-pa got a kick out of seeing the kids all dressed up. Mike and I took Caeden to a few houses around his parents house while Noah stayed back. Caeden loved going door to door. Again, loved seeing all the scary decorations. While we were at Mike's parents house, Melissa and Peter stopped by so they could see the kids dressed up as well. Melissa even gave Caeden his favorite treat, CRACKERS! We also paid a visit to Melissa's mom's house, because she gives out the best candy!

Our last stop was my sister's house. Now we have made going to my sister's house a tradition. We have dinner there and take the kids out trick or treating. When we got there of course Taylor was already out. Caeden was trying to convience Averi to go out, but she did not want to go out at first. Then about 8:00 she changed her mind and wanted to go out. So my sister, my mom, Maggie and I took the kids to a few houses and Averi loved it. Both kids were cute when the rang the doorbell. It was getting later and chilly so we went back in and the kids played. All and all it was a great day and night for the kids! Can't wait for next year for Noah to be more involved!