Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Geoff!

Happy Birthday Geoff!!! Hope you have a great day!


Today we went to the MOA to go see Santa! Before we went of course I had to take a picture of the boys in front of the tree! Too cute! We saw Santa. Caeden was all for getting down to Santa's level and telling him what he wanted for Christmas. Noah on the other hand, clung for dear life on my shirt. He screamed the whole time. Luckily, Santa was able to sneak in behind the boys!

We ate some lunch, shopped and played at Lego Land. Whew, I am exhausted, no wonder the boys fell asleep on the way home. Thanks to my mom for all the help today!


Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! We sure did. It is so nice to be able to spend time with family and there is so much we are thankful for. We spent the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at the zoo since Mike had the day off. The boys had a great time showing dad all the animals at the zoo. Thursday we were at my parents house. It was especially hard, not having my grandma there and I know Christmas is going to be especially hard! Friday I spent the morning Black Friday shopping with my friend Kristy. It was so much fun and I scored some great deals!!!

That afternoon it is a tradition in my family to get your tree so it has carried through our family. So we picked out a great tree and the kids were excited. It only took me about 10 min to find one. I think that is a record! The boys enjoyed getting the Christmas decorations out and decorating the tree.

I just love this time of year and I am so glad that my boys are starting to enjoy it as well. Caeden keeps asking me where his presents are and when is he going to see Santa. Noah just points and screams at anything that lights up!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Football Helmets!!!!

So last night we went to Fleet Farm so Caeden could show Mike, what he wanted for Christmas (even though it is already bought). FF has a whole section of Vikings, Gopher, Wild and Twins stuff. So that was our first stop. Noah SCREAMED with excitement seeing all the sports stuff and Caeden found these football helmets! It has all 32 teams on it and it was on sale. Throughout the whole store, Caeden would not let go of his death grip on it. When we were checking out, Mike asked "Are we giving him that for Christmas?" There was no way we could take it away from him and have him wait until Christmas to give it to him.

Now I did not play with these as kids, I remember my brother collecting them from the toy machines at Cub or our favorite Ole Piper! Mike remembers having them too! So last night we got them out and instantly the boys fought over them. I don't know what I was thinking, of course they were going to fight over them. Caeden lined up all of his favorites. His first pick was the Vikings and the Seahawks, because they are playing on Sunday and he took the helmets and crashed them into each other. Ya, know like they do on Monday night Football. Duh!!!

Noah was in LOVE with them. It was about 9 (I know, way past his bedtime) and we were getting him ready for bed, and he screamed and screamed because he had to leave the helmets! He screamed for about 20 min until he fell asleep. We even had to let him sleep in Caeden's Vikings jersey!

I made Mike hide them before we all went to bed last night so there wasn't any fighting today! Well at 5:30 in the morning, Caeden came rushing my my bedroom wondering where the helmets were and this woke Noah up. So this morning at 9 (which felt like noon) I got them out and the kids have been playing with them ever since!


The kids love going to McDonald's play land to eat and play. Caeden had a lot of his friends there this time. We were there for about 2 1/2 hours, but both boys had a great time playing. Of course after we left, I had to strip them down and put new clothes on them and sanitize them like crazy, but hey, at least they had fun, even if there mom was a freak about germs!!!

Noah even got to play with his friends there! He is usually just the bystander, but this time he played with his friends and Caeden's as well!

Boys will be boys right?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary Tyma's

Happy 3 year Anniversary Tyma's! Enjoy your day!

Flashback Wednesday!

So I got this idea from a friend (Thanks April!!!)

This is Caeden's 1st bottle!

This is a picture of Noah about 3 months old!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hok's cabin!

As mentioned in my earlier post, this past Saturday I was able to get away to a friend's cabin. Hok was so generous to open her cabin to us. We had a great time of eating, drinking, talking, more eating and drinking and talking! It was a blast. Of course it was not long enough and went by way too fast!!! Here are some fun photos of the night!!! We missed you Amy, Patty and Shawna!!!!

Gym night!

Friday night we went to gym night! When Caeden was an only child this was a "tradition" we did every friday night, was to go to gym night! It really helped when it was in the dead of winter! The first pic's are of us at Arby's. Noah loves to climb so he was just "relaxing" while eating so Caeden had to do the same thing!

This year was Noah's first time going and he loved it! We played hoops, rode bikes, ran around, alot! It is kind of nice too because it wears the kids out for the night and they sleep very well that night! I am sure we will continue this tradition of going on Friday nights!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Some Friday Postings!!!

Happy Friday Everyone. I am glad it is the weekend the is for sure! This weekend I am able to sneak away one night, no kids, no husband! It is going to be great! I am sure Mike will be able to handle the kids just fine!!

So last weekend Mike put up the x-mas light and Caeden is having a hard time understanding why we can't turn them on. So thanks to Melissa, we made a chain link and every morning he gets to take a link off. He has already informed me that we need to do one one x-mas too!!!

And then there is Noah! He is a VERY active 18 month old! He sure keeps us on our toes. Right now he is into the Vikings. I think he gets that from his Bapa and Uncle Aaron since Mike doesn't really care about them. Whenever he finds Caeden's jersey he has to put it on and wear it. And when I got take it off, tantrum city!!! Good thing Caeden is a good sport about letting his brother wear his jersey!!!

His other favorite thing to do is play with his farm and tractor. He is really into saying the animals sounds. "Moo, woof-woof, baaaa" come out very frequently!!!

He also is not a fan of eating in his highchair anymore. Most of the time, he throws the food one the floor. He loves when Daddy eats so that he can climb on the table and eat with him!( And yes, I know my kitchen looks messy, it is because it is!!!) He is also into climbing on the end table and climbing on the arm rest of the couch and jumping off! SUPER FUN!

Oh and also, sorry for the pink everywhere. Since living with 3 boys, I kind of need some more pink in my life!!!!!!!!!!