Thursday, October 30, 2008

6 months old

Noah turned 6 months this month and I can't believe it. I know you hear me say over and over, time flies, but it really does. Today he had his 6 month check up. The doctor said everything looks good. Poor little guy got 4 shots today, but he took them very well.

He weighed 17 pounds and 3 oz which is in the 57%. For his height he was 29 inches long and was in the 99%. Caeden at his 6 month check up for 17 pounds and his height was 28 1/2. So they are not too far off!

Noah finally has his first teeth. The bottom two teeth popped through yesterday. We could feel them, but couldn't see them until now. He also is so close to crawling. He gets up on all fours all the time and seems to get frustrated because he can't figure it out. I don't think it will be long before he will be crawling!

Some of the things he loves to do:
* loves being on the floor and rolling around
*loves looking at himself in the mirror
*loves to play in his jumperoo or exocersaucer
*loves when Caeden makes him laugh

He is at such a fun age now. He is much more talkative (well babbling) and loves to laugh and giggle, especially when Caeden makes him laugh. Mike and I have cherished these 6 months and can't believe he is not a baby anymore. We look forward to the next six months to see what kind of fun things he does!

Bye, Bye "kiki"

Well since we had our visit to the dentist, I figured it was time to get rid of that Nuk. For those who don't know, Caeden calls his nuk a "kiki." We had been talking to him about how the "kiki" fairy is going to come and leave him a special present and he would tell us NO! My mom has also been coaching him and telling him that "kiki's" are for babies and he would get mad at her. So I thought this is going to be hard.

So later that night while he was not looking, I cut a part of the nipple off. When we were getting ready for bed, Caeden was being kind of a stinker and when we got to bed, he threw his "kiki." So I told him when he threw his "kiki" it broke. So he put it in his mouth and then spit it out. He kept telling me to fix it and he was looking under his bed for the missing piece of the nuk.

There were only a few cries out for the "kiki." It went much better than I thought. I know it has only been the first night, but I am hoping tonight will go smooth as well.

Oh yeah, the "kiki" fairy left him a Curious George stuff animal and a new helicopter! I am just hoping potty training goes that well. Stay tuned for that upated. We are starting that next week. Wish us luck!

Caeden's 1st trip to the dentist

Yesterday was Caeden's first trip to the dentist! We took him to a place that specializes in children's dentsitry. It came very highly recommended by some friends.

When we got there they let him pick out a new tooth brush and then showed him around the office. He thought that was pretty cool. Next came the part where he sat in the chair. He got to wear "special" glasses to keep the light from shinning in his face. He looked so cute wearing these.

The hygentsist showed him everything she was going to do and even let him touch the tools. He thought this was pretty cool too. So I was thinking, well this isn't going to be that bad. Well when it came time to do the cleaning, he screamed. I had to hold his hands down so he would grab the hygentist's hands. Then when she was flossing his teeth, he kept biting her fingers. Poor lady! After she was done he got to pick put a special prize and he picked out a ball.

Then the dentist came over and said Caeden's teeth looked great and to keep up the good work with him. I asked him about the nuk he still has and he said it is better to get rid of it sooner, than later. He then got his picture taken with the dentist and we called it a day.

When we got to the car, Caeden kept saying "mom, that was fun." So hopefully next time will be a little bit better!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Vohs Family

Today we had a Halloween play date with our dear friends the Vohs's! Amy, Alex and Lauren came down to make cupcakes, have lunch and playtime. Alex and Caeden LOVE to play together and their mom's LOVE to be able to catch up on what is going on! Lauren also loves to follow the boys and copy what they are doing.

We had a great day with them and the kids enjoyed helping make the cupcakes and of course eating them. They also had fun playing and even got some dancing in, which Lauren loves to do.

We are so thankful we have friends like them. Caeden talks about Alex all the time and asks when he gets to see him again. Lucky for us this week we get to spend time with them today, Tuesday and Wednesday!

We look forward to Drew coming down so that the husbands can get to know each other like the mom's have! We are really lucky to have them as friends!

Thanks again Amy, Alex and Lauren for coming down! We had a great day with you!!!

Carving Pumpkins!

Last night we carved the pumpkins that we picked out a couple weeks ago. We got some patterns at target. We let Caeden pick out which ones he wanted to do. He picked out a bat and one that had a spider, pumpkin and a cat on it. We tired to get him to help get the "guts" out, but he wanted nothing to do with that. So Mike and I cleaned out the pumpkins and began to carve them. Caeden was more intrested in when they were all lit up. After we got done, he kept saying "I want to see the scaries."

So tonight we took him out there and took some pictures in front of the pumpkins! We are looking forward to Halloween to see all different pumpkins lit up and the "scaries" at people's houses. Hopefully this year he will do better with the trick or treat!

Friday, October 24, 2008

New furniture

Since so many have been asking, here is some pictures of the new furniture! Thanks again to Brandl Anderson for providing us with the flood! None of this would of been possible. So we are greatly appreciative!!

Caeden and Audrey

Tonight we were lucky enough to have our friends Jennifer, Audrey and Molly down. I met Jennifer through my ECFE classes and we have know each other for about 2 years. We really got to know each other during gym nights in farmington as we would be sometimes the only ones that would brave the cold and take the kids to gym night!

The kids had a great time together, which was perfect because it gave Jennifer and I a chance to chat. At first the kids played separate, but next to each other, but by the end of the night they were having so much fun. In the pictures they are dancing to Deal or No Deal. Too cute! Molly is 3 months old and I wanted to get a picture of Noah and Molly together, but Noah pooped out and slept for most of the time they were here! Thanks for coming down Jennifer, Audrey and Molly we had a GREAT time!!

Bath time

Bath time at the Bril house is not our favorite time. In fact both Mike and I dread it. Mike says he hates bath times especially on Sundays because it reminds him of growing up and having to go to school the next day. Caeden also doesn't like bath time. He likes to play in the water of course, but when it comes time to wash his hair, he screams bloody murder. I don't know what it is. I have tired everything to playing games, bribing and nothing works, he just hates having his hair washed!

Noah on the other hand, loves baths. Right now we have him in the sink as I don't trust him just yet sitting in his seat in the tub. He splashes around and thinks it is the greatest thing! He too doesn't like his hair washed. So we will see when he gets a little older if this changes!

How I love my boys!

Here are a few pictures of my favorite boys!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gloomy Wednesday

Since I am sitting here waiting for my furniture to come, I thought I would share new pic's of the boys! Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

He does look like me

While I was uploading these pictures I can't believe how much Noah looks like me. I guess I thought at first, well he kind of looks like me. But after looking at these he is a Wright.

I am just so used to everyone telling me oh Caeden looks exactly like his dad. And me thinking yeah, yeah, yeah. But now when people tell me Noah looks like me I believe it!

It is amazing how your children can carry different traits from us. I am now seeing some of me in Caeden, but he is mostly a Bril. I just hope both of them have a variety of our traits and personality!

1sr try at cereal/ Chuckie Cheese

Well we tired cereal with Noah a couple of days ago. I don't think he was too interested in it. I am not sure if he has the concept yet of eating solids. So I am going to wait to try it again once I talk with his doctor next week. I am hoping once he starts solids he will be a much better eater, sleeper and won't be so fussy!

Today we went to Chuckie Cheese for a playdate. My sister and Averi also joined us. The kids had a great time playing and running around. We basically had the place to ourselves, which was so nice. We had 76 tickets to cash in and all Caeden wanted was a sucker! So we have some extra tickets and some extra tokens saved for our next visit!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Bril's had a great weekend! It started out Friday night at Hom furniture. We got to pick out a new couch and a new kitchen table and chairs! Thanks Brandl Anderson!

Saturday night Caeden had a special halloween party sleep over with his grandma and his cousin Lyndsey! They made cookies, carved a pumpkin (thanks g-pa) and had McDonalds! Caeden had a great time as he loves to spend time with his grandma and g-pa. We checked in on him several times and grandma said he was doing great! I think everyone had a great time! Thanks grandma! We love you!!!!

Since we only had Noah, I talked Mike into doing some early Christmas shopping. We got a lot done and Caeden and Noah are now done. For those who don't know, I like to get my Christmas shopping done early. Then we went out to dinner. It was a nice quite night for us!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


For some reason these pic's didn't attach to the last post. But I still wanted to share these with you!

These one's are from the pumpkin patch last night!