Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Averi Jo!

So today is my niece's 4th birthday! I can remember vividly the day she was born. I was down in Mankato with a friend for a friend's purse party. On our way back home I get a call from my mom saying that she thinks Angie is in labor. Well I knew I wanted to be there to watch her be born so I flew home and had Mike drop me off at Angie's so I could ride up there with them. Now remember at the time I had just found out I was pregnant.

I get to Angie's house and she is sitting in the chair holding on to it for dear life and trying to breathe. I am starting to think, uh oh, what did I get myself into being prego's myself. My mom and dad were there and Geoff was playing Tiger Woods golf. She had called the dr's and they told her to wait 2 hours before come in. The contractions were coming closer and closer. In fact, Mike had to take over because Geoff was too busy playing Tiger Woods. It was good practice for Mike right? So it was now time to head to the hospital.

When we were in the car Angie was in a lot of pain. I was trying to tune her out because I was fearful this was going to happen to me, but felt bad for her. You could tell she was in a lot of pain. I thought she was going to have her in the car!!!

To make the story short, the HOUSE Doctor had to deliver Averi because the other doctor could not make it there on time (good call on the wait 2 hours thing). She did not receive the oh so wonderful drugs because there was no time (sucks to be her).

I had the honor of watching her be born. That was such an amazing thing and very special to me. I will always remember that (I don't know if it is because I was pregnant and now SCARED out of my mind to give birth or because I love her so much!)

Happy 4th Brithday Averi Josephine (as Mike likes to call you)! Alicia, Caeden, Noah and your boyfriend Mike love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!


Andrea said...

Happy Birthday Averi, she looks just like her mom.