Thursday, January 27, 2011

bye bye Nuk!

FINALLY, I got the courage to get rid of the nuk. It was just random and decided that it was going to be that day! He did pretty good. I let him pick out something at toys r us and then I picked out something for the Nuk fairy to bring him that night. So I wouldn't cave, I cut the nuk. He was good about going to bed that night because he had not had a nap! In the middle of the night, he woke up several times asking for it and I showed him the broken nuk! Today nap went o.k. and anxious to see how the night went. Here are some pic's of him opening his present from the nuk fairy!


chandra said...

good idea (about the Nuk Fairy).
I am sure it will long forgotten soon.
Glad you finally updated this thing! :)