Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy 11 Months Noah!!!

Today Noah is 11 months old. I just can't believe that next month, my baby is going to be a year. Because of everything we have been through, I honestly feel cheated on his first year of life. I don't feel like I have been able to enjoy him and now he is already a year. Where did the time go? Oh wait, I already know that.

He is such a joy to have around. He really does complete this crazy household we have. He is learning new things everyday! This spring we have him enrolled in his first ECFE session. He loves it. It is time he gets with mom, one on one and doesn't have to worry about Caeden at all. He loves playing with all the other kids around his age. In his group he is the only one that can walk. I think he likes to show that off!!!

He is in the "attachment" stage right now. I never really experienced that with Caeden. He likes to be around people he knows that is for sure!

Noah is beginning to interact more with Caeden. He loves when Caeden chases him around, or anyone for that matter. He has even learned to fight back a little with Caeden. He loves to play with cars, and trucks just like his big brother. He just learned "so big" and likes to show that off to everyone. He is still a great eater and it is so nice. Noah is finally sleeping through the night. That happened about 10 1/2 months and it has been so nice for me!

We are just enjoying him right now and looking forward to his first birthday! We love you Noah!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Disney on Ice

On Sunday I took Caeden to Disney on Ice with our friends April and Brayden! We first met at McD's for some lunch. The kids had a great time and were excited to see the show.

When we had got there they had told us that they had moved out seats because there wasn't enough sales in the upper level ($11 seats!). We were on the first floor and pretty much center ice! Not bad seats for 11 bucks!

We all had a great time and Caeden loved watching the different characters come out. I think his favorite was Mickey, Minnie and Goofy. We are really into the Mickey Mouse Club House show!

All and all it was a fun afternoon and Caeden made a new friend and is still talking about when Brayden and him went to Disney on Ice! Thanks April and Brayden. We had a great time and can't wait to do it again!!!

Gallivan girls

Here are some pic's from when Lyndsey and Olivia were down at our house. Caeden and Lyndsey are finally playing together and it is fun to see them interact. They had a great time playing in Caeden's room and being silly! Olivia liked to join in on the fun too!

It was a little chaotic with 4 kids here. Kind of gave me a preview of what life would be like with 4. I think I will stick with the 2 I have! :)

The Vohs family

Here are some pic's of our get together with the Vohs family. We met them through our ECFE class and this summer was able to spend a lot of time with them and continue to spend time with them. Caeden loves playing with Alex and asks almost everyday when he is going to see Alex again.

Amy tells me that every baby Lauren sees, she calls them "baby Noah." Too cute! Noah had a great time exploring and playing with all the toys. He loved chasing their dog around. It was so funny. Caeden LOVED Alex's train table (I think we know what we are getting him for his b-day). He just sat there and played. Even Noah got to play too!

Thanks Vohs family for having us over! We had a great time and look forward to many more get together's!!!

Owen Walter Tyma

On March 4th our friends, the Tyma's had a baby boy named Owen Walter. He was 7 lbs and 4 oz. We got the news about 9:00 in the morning that her water had broke and Mike and I anxiously waited for updates all day! Peter did a great job updating us on everything and everything went well.

The next night Mike and I were able to go up there and see how Owen, mom and dad were doing. Everyone was doing great and Owen is SO cute!

Congrats you Peter and Melissa, he is Beautiful! Enjoy, there is nothing better! Love you guys!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not so wordless Wednesday!

So today we had the carpet people over to put back together our carpet finally. It was a long morning. Poor Noah did not get his nap in so he fell asleep while having some lunch. He was so tired!

And my wonderful artist Caeden. Both Mike and I were busy putting the rooms back together and Caeden was awful quite. So we went in there and look at our little artist!

While cleaning out his room, he found a marker. I don't know where he got it from, but he decided it was a good idea!!!