Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Trying to still have fun!!!

Through all this chaos we are still trying to make life fun for Caeden and Noah. This past weekend we took them to the Como zoo. Caeden loved watching the rides, but did not want to go on any of them. He was more interested in the bridge that had a mist spray coming out of it. We had a good time together though as a family and that is what is important!!!

This morning I took Caeden to his 3 year check up. He is doing good and growing just fine. We talked about the potty training and the Dr told me boys are a lot harder than girls and tend to be more on the 4 year old side. Plus, he said with the craziness of what is going on he said to hold off. So that made me feel a little bit. He told me he promised he would not still be in diapers when he goes to high school!!! Caeden did such a great job with getting his shots. He didn't even cry at all! Way to go buddy!!

After his Dr's appt we got together with our ECFE friends and went to Burger King and let the kids play while the mom's chatted. We are so thankful for having such a great group of friends. They were so supportive with everything that is going on, and Caeden loves to play with all of his friends. We both had a good time and BOTH needed to get out! So thank you girls for everything!!!!!